workout #1 (group)
20 full sit ups
30 mountain climbers
40 toe touches
50 ball squats
40 hip lifts
30 squat jumps
20 get ups
10 v-ups
workout #2
sled skip/ 20 yards and back
3 rounds partner style
sled run/ 30 yards and back
3 rounds partner style
heavy sled walk/40 yards (partner brings it back!)
3 rounds partner style
workout #3 station
squats (front/back/OH) Pick your favorite or mix it up.
100 reps
men= 135
workout #4 station
20 rev. back ext
10 seated rows
5 Rounds
fire fighters
workout #1 (conditioning)
5 squats
5 squat jumps
5 squats
1 round every 30 sec for 5 min.
workout #2 (work related strength)
plate relay (orange, blue, yellow, green)
carry all the weight on turf 40 yards over head
partner style
everyone does 8 rounds
workout #3 (strength)
Bench Press
4x10 increasing in wt each set
workout #4 (abs)
coach choice
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