Warm-up: Burpee Ladder
Complete 5 burpee in 1 minute. Add +1 more burpee for the next minute and continue for a total of 10 minutes. Your score is the last minute that you completed all the burpees for that round
Strength/ skill: Dips / Ring Dips/ Muscle ups
Max reps for 3 rounds. Score is the lowest reps completed in a round.
WOD: The Widow Maker
For 20 minutes, complete the following every minute on the minute:
5 Cleans (135#/85#)
5 Push Jerks (135#/85#)
5 Push Ups (Games Style)
If you cannot complete the round in the minute, break until the next minute and continue. Your score is the last round where you completed all the work within the minute.
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