workout #1 warm up
lunge routine/ or OH lunge
4x15 yards
increase in wt. each set (remember its a warm up)
Group A
20 min AMRAP
10 BB push press (men 115, women 65) scale wt as needed
10 KB swings (men 53, women 24)
10 24" box jump
Group B
20 min AMRAP
10 DB push press (men 35, women 25)
10 KB swings (men 53, women 24)
10 18" box jump
workout 3
skill work of your choice
workout 4
abs coach choice
warm up
4 labs around the building
Partner style (not a circuit, do all squats then dislocates etc)
3x10 body squats
3x10 dislocates
3x10 OHS
3x10 push ups
3x10 sit ups
3x10 kb swings
3x10 lateral box runs
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