workout #1 stations
station 1 (conditioning)
jump rope (practice double unders)
station 2 (strength and power)
tire flip and run
station 3 (isometric contration)
lateral push up walk (in ladders)
station 4 (conditioning)
box run
station 5 (strength and power)
rope slam
station 6 (isometric contraction)
BB OH hold (men 95 women 70)
station 7 (conditioning)
slide board mountain climber
station 8 (strength and power)
sled row
station 9 (isometric contraction)
ring push up hold
get into groups of 2, Partner 1 works while partner 2 rests.
work for 30 sec, then 10 sec to switch. after P1 and P2 have
both worked at the station 2 times rotate. Rest after all stations have been completed.
Then repeat as many times as possible.
Fire Fighter
speed ball
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