Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Aug 17

workout #1 group
10 front plate raises
25 sit ups
10 plate circles (10 rt + 10 lt)
25 rev crunches
10 plate single arm upright rows (10 rt and 10 left)
25 SLSUP ( str leg sit up)
3 rounds

workout #2 stations
Station 1
bb strict press
partner style
4x5 reps (increasing in wt each set)

station 2
bench press
partner style
4x5 reps (increasing in wt each set)

bb push jerk
partner style
4x3-6 reps (increasing in wt each set)

workout #3 station (track)
50 yard db alt OH carry (25 yards rt then 25 left) + 10 push ups + db OH carry back (both db OH back)
5 rounds

Workout 4 abs
Coach choice

Fire Fighters
Workout #1 group

cone conditioning

Workout #2 station
Cable circuit
tri ext
rev grip lat pulls
back ext.
4 rounds of 8-10 reps

Workout #3 station
20 ball squats
15 yard bwt walking lunge (fwd)
15 yard bwt walking lunge (bwd)
20 wall ball sit ups
4 rounds

Workout #4 group
50 rev crunches
30 partner leg tosses
40 rev crunches
20 partner leg tosses
30 rev crunches
10 partner leg tosses
20 rev crunches
5 partner leg tosses
10 rev crunches
5 partner leg tosses

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